Interactive Brokers Add Swaps for European Mutual Funds

Interactive brokers

Interactive Brokers is making improvements to its TWS platform to give users even more features.

Interactive brokers

TWS Beta Build 10.24 now supports swapping between European Mutual Funds. This feature lets users swap a portion or all of their current eligible (long) mutual funds for other funds in the same family. Eligible funds include those trading on the FUNDSETL and ALLFUNDS exchanges, and they must be denominated in the same currency.

Exchanging funds with the Exchange action can reduce costs, limit taxes. And make it easier to make the switch with one single transaction instead of selling and buying separately.

To swap funds, choose a qualifying Mutual Fund position, then right-click and select the ‘Exchange Fund’ option. On the order form, choose your new fund from the ‘Exchange to’ box. Check the order and submit.

This feature is currently available in IBKR Mobile and TWS. It will be released for Client Portal shortly. For TWS users who want to use the Exchange Fund feature, use the Classic view, as mutual funds are not currently available in Mosaic.

Interactive Brokers continually updates their TWS platform. Recently they added the 3D Volatility Viewer which shows the Implied Volatility of an asset. You can find the 3D Volatility Viewer in Mosaic under the Option Analysis tab or from within the Implied Volatility Viewer.

Read more: IBKR Adds Tax Loss Harvest Feature to TWS | Brokers Times

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