Options Technology: New partnership with KX


A new partnership was revealed today between Options Technology and KX, a leader in Data Timehouse technology.


This partnership will provide KX with access to market data such as:

  • FX
  • Futures
  • Equities
  • Options
  • Fixed Income data
  • Advanced market data analytics tools

Additionally, it will let KX utilize Options market data to raise the analytics platform.

President and CEO of Options Technology, Danny Moore, said:

Our partnership with KX marks a momentous occasion for Options Technology and the financial services sector as a whole. The integration of our market data and analytics solutions with KX’s market-leading time series database and Data Timehouse technology will be a game-changer, providing clients with unparalleled insights and enabling them to make informed trading decisions in real-time.

With KX’s analytics engine, users can analyze data in real-time and make faster trading decisions.

Chief Growth Officer at KX, James Corcoran, said:

The partnership with Options Technology demonstrates our commitment to making it easier for firms to consume market data as a service, by providing a packaged offering so that users can get to value and insights straight away, without having to build and maintain their own infrastructure. It’s a powerful proposition for firms looking to give their data science and quant research teams a greater competitive edge.

Read more: BlackBull Markets: New Platforms DXtrade | Brokers Times

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